DA introduces Coalition Bill in Parliament

30th June 2023 By: Lumkile Nkomfe - Creamer Media Reporter

DA introduces Coalition Bill in Parliament

Democratic Alliance Chief Whip Siviwe Gwarube.

In its quest to ensure stable coalition governance, the Democratic Alliance (DA) introduced the Constitutional Nineteenth Amendment Bill in Parliament on Friday.

This is the first of the party’s three Bills that aim to promote stability within coalition governments.

The Bill is focused on limiting the frequency of motions of no confidence to one year in Provincial Legislatures and in the National Assembly.

“Whilst motions of no confidence are a critical accountability tool in our governance framework, specifically for MPs, MPLs and Councillors, we have seen how destructive baseless motions have been at a local government level,” said DA Chief Whip Siviwe Gwarube.

Despite the Bill being oriented towards insulating governance at a provincial and national level, its limitations will not apply if a President or Premier is proven guilty for violating the Constitution and gross misconduct.

The DA is alive to the prospect of coalition governments in several provinces next year and wants Parliament’s full participation in calibrating a legislative framework that engenders stability.

The party will introduce the other two Bills in Parliament and discuss the work that will ensue in the relevant portfolio committees.

“The time has come for political leaders to put aside their differences and recommit themselves to serving South Africans in stable, clean and accountable governments, as our democracy matures and leaves behind the era of one-party dominance,” said Gwarube.