DA: IEC agrees to investigate DA’s complaint into ANC’s Bosasa-funded election “war rooms”

11th March 2019

DA: IEC agrees to investigate DA’s complaint into ANC’s Bosasa-funded election “war rooms”

We can confirm today that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has agreed to investigate the ANC’s Bosasa-funded election ‘war rooms’, following the DA’s complaint lodged late last month. We trust the IEC will investigate without fear or favour, and await the outcome of such investigation.

We are of the view that the allegation that Bosasa (now African Global Operations) set up ANC election ‘war rooms’ at their Krugersdorp HQ over the past three elections - to the tune of R6 million – constitutes conduct that is in contravention of Section 9(e) of the Electoral Code of Conduct, which states that:

“No registered party or candidate may abuse a position of power, privilege or influence, including parental, patriarchal, traditional or employment authority to influence the conduct or outcome of an election”.

The ANC used these Bosasa-funded ‘war rooms’ to campaign ahead of the 2011, 2014 and 2016 elections, and included a R400 000 election result tracking screen wall; R450 000 of computers and software licensing; R14 000 weekly phone bill; 30 cubicles and telephones; R210 000 for food, drinks and software for 70 volunteers; and R700 000 in office security and volunteer payment. While Bosasa recently went into voluntary liquidation, most of its contracts are alive and for all South Africans know, the ANC continue to use Bosasa-funded ‘war rooms’ to campaign ahead of the National Election on 8 May.

The fact is this R6 million benefit the ANC received from Bosasa is dirty money. It is high time that the ANC pays back every cent of the money it has received from Bosasa.

This shamelessly corrupt relationship between the ANC and Bosasa has sought to interfere with electoral outcomes. The IEC needs to assure South African voters that these ANC-Bosasa dirty tricks will not play out in the 58 days before an Election Day that the ANC is at a real risk of losing.

We look forward to hearing back from the Commission once the allegations have been investigated.


Issued by The DA