DA calls for urgent and immediate consequences for obstruction of election activities in KZN

27th May 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

DA calls for urgent and immediate consequences for obstruction of election activities in KZN

DA KZN Premier candidate Chris Pappas

Democratic Alliance (DA) KwaZulu-Natal Premier candidate Chris Pappas condemned the obstruction of election activities in KwaZulu-Natal by uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party members, calling for urgent and immediate consequences for the party, the security company involved and the South African Police Service (Saps)

Videos were being circulating on social media of supporters of the MK Party alleging undertaking "vote rigging". These videos relate to activities at the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC’s) storage sites in Chesterville and Hammarsdale.

Pappas highlighted that members of the MK Party were seen wandering around in “what is supposed” to be secure warehouses where ballots are stored ahead of distribution to voting stations.

“It is disturbing that both the private security contracted by the IEC and the Saps allowed this breach to take place, seemly without any response from them,” he said.

Pappas noted that it is vitally important that voters have trust in the IEC and Saps to guarantee the safety of all voters against threats of violence by parties such as MK.

He said the DA is currently consulting its legal team on what possible legal steps may need to be taken to ensure the IEC and Saps uphold their constitutional duty to hold free and fair elections.

Pappas highlighted that his party will not allow or tolerate any political party that seeks to disrupt the elections on Wednesday.