DA announces National Executive Members as part of the GNU

1st July 2024

DA announces National Executive Members as part of the GNU

DA leader John Steenhuisen

After almost a month of intensive negotiations, the Democratic Alliance (DA) is proud to announce that we have agreed to a deal to be part of the Government of National Unity (GNU) to enact the will of the South African people delivered through an historic and decisive General Election on 29 May 2024.

The message delivered from the South African electorate has been heard loud and clear. No political party achieved an outright majority, and citizens want politicians to cast aside their differences and work together for the benefit of the people.

The DA is proud to rise to the challenge, and take our place, for the very first time, at the seat of national government where we can introduce our track record of governance excellence, zero tolerance for corruption, and pragmatic policymaking based on outcome and not intent. The mission to create an open, opportunity society for all South Africans now becomes our sole focus as we work the levers of the highest level of government in our country.

The formulation of the DA’s National Executive Member offering takes into consideration skills and expertise, qualifications and experience, and diversity, while ensuring that our parliamentary caucus retains key members to exercise oversight over all national departments. I am proud to announce the 12 Cabinet and Deputy Ministers as follows:

Cabinet Ministers:

Deputy Ministers:

It will be the single most important task for this cabinet in the coming 5-year term to make a meaningful difference in the lives of all South Africans, and to tap into South Africa’s limitless potential as one of the brightest and most resilient democracies in the world.

We look forward to being part of a new era in South Africa’s democratic journey, and to bringing real and tangible change to the millions of citizens who voted for it. As we embark upon this new chapter for South Africa, the DA looks forward to playing its part in ensuring South Africa’s ultimate success and prosperity.


Issued by John Steenhuisen MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance