DA: ANC Northern Cape uses state resources to buy votes

18th March 2019

DA: ANC Northern Cape uses state resources to buy votes

The Democratic Alliance in the Northern Cape today submitted a complaint to both the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA), as well as Sol Plaatje municipality, regarding the irregular handover of title deeds to residents of Colville, on Friday last week.

This is a blatant attempt at vote buying, with just more than three weeks to go before the much anticipated by-election in the DA stronghold of Ward 28.

It came as a big surprise to see former ousted Mayor of Sol Plaatje municipality, Mangaliso Matika, together with the ANC’s aspirant ward candidate, Shaine Griqua, dishing out title deeds in ANC regalia, in a very much ANC branded event. While Ward 28 is a DA ward, that is up for contestation on 10 April, we were not even informed on a local or provincial level of the title deed handover.

While the DA is pleased for the residents, many of whom have been waiting long to receive ownership of their houses, neither the former mayor, nor the candidate, actually have the authority to hand out title deeds.

The failing ANC has thus once again, unashamedly, conflicted party with state. They have done this in deliberate attempt to boost the party’s image and secure support, as they try and take over the DA ward.

The DA will submit a letter of complaint to both the MEC of COGHSTA, Alvin Botes, as well as the acting Municipal Manager, Boy Dlhuwayo, regarding clarity about the ANC’s title deeds handover. We further demand an explanation as to who authorised this title deed handover, when the municipality received the title deeds in question and who was on the receiving end of the title deeds. This is important to ensure that there was transparency and alignment with the housing needs register, so as to avoid a situation whereby residents are merely rewarded for voting ANC.

The DA doubts that the underhanded politicking by the ANC will stop here. Nonetheless, the DA is not intimidated by the ANC’s feeble show of power.

The ANC has failed to combat corruption, it has failed to improve service delivery, it has failed to address crime, it has failed to create jobs and it has failed to secure our borders. It is then no wonder that the ANC feels threatened by a party like the DA, who has successes on all of these fronts where we govern.

So the ANC can go on handing out superficial title deeds. But perhaps it should just tell the beneficiaries of these title deeds that the title deeds are only for show and will be revoked if the ANC gets its way with expropriation without compensation.

Only change under a DA-led government will ensure that a fair and transparent housing list is put into operation, that access to safe and secure housing is accelerated and that property rights are protected.


Issued by The DA