DA: Alf Lees says tyrannical’ Myeni must go

11th September 2016

DA: Alf Lees says tyrannical’ Myeni must go

SAA board Chair Dudu Myeni
Photo by: Muntu Vilakazi

Today’s revelations about Myeni’s performance as the board chair of Mhlathuze Water support the DA view that Myeni’s re-appointment as the SAA board chair was irrational. There can be no doubt that Dudu Myeni is a tyrant who has no intention of looking after the interests of Mhlatuze Water or SAA and whose sole objective is to look after her personal interests and those of the cronies close to her which would likely include President Zuma.

This comes after the DA has called for Dudu Myeni to be removed from the SAA board for having driven the company into insolvency and to the brink of liquidation. During her reign at SAA the company has accumulated losses that are estimated to amount to R 13.8 billion, lost R 49. 9 million in the failed cadre enrichment BnP scheme, irrationally suspended officials who apparently were trying to contain the mismanagement and alledged corruption and been put at risk of losing lucrative routes such as the Hong Kong route.

The description given of Myeni at Mhlathuze Water as having “tyranical control over the functions of Mlhathuze Water” clearly support the DA view that Dudu Myeni is a corporate warlord who will go to extremes to ensure the enrichment of herself and her close cronies. These enrichment tentacles have now clearly extended into the business dealings of Prasa out of which her son, Thalente Myeni, has apparently been enriched to the tune of over R 3 million seemingly without having lifted a finger to earn this.

The DA remains resolute that for SAA to be rescued from the crisis it faces Dudu Myeni must be removed as the chair of the board. The DA is working with legal counsel in preparation of the motivation that the cabinet appointment of Myeni as the SAA board chair was irrational, must be reviewed and must be put aside.


Issued by DA