Current GNU situation not a crisis, rather 'necessary teething problems' – IFP

21st June 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

Current GNU situation not a crisis, rather 'necessary teething problems' – IFP

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) stressed on Friday an urgent need to iron out the differences between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) through a joint meeting by the members of the Government of National Unity (GNU).

The party noted the ongoing public disagreements between ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula and DA federal chair Helen Zille, as it pertains to clause 24 of the GNU statement of intent, which relates to adding new members to the GNU.

The DA enquired with the ANC about the addition of the Patriotic Alliance (PA) to the GNU, without consultation.

Hlengwa said his party did not believe that the current situation was a crisis.

“To that end, the IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa has tasked the IFP’s coalition negotiations task team, led by its deputy president Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi to engage with both parties,” said IFP MP Mkhuleko Hlengwa.

Earlier this week the ANC announced the GNU consisted of seven parties including the DA, IFP, the GOOD party, the PA, the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and the Freedom Front Plus.

“It is necessary teething problems for a new GNU dispensation. Evidently, more difficult issues and questions will arise in the next five years. But the solution will be how the GNU partners rise to meet these challenges, and iron them out amicably,” Hlengwa stated.

He noted that the GNU was a coalition government, highlighting that one of the elements for a successful coalition government was that whenever there were differences of opinion, there must be joint engagement by GNU partners to find common ground, and to speak with one voice.

He said constant engagement would remain the only way to strengthen the foundations for current and future coalition government arrangements.

The IFP highlighted that as a “responsible GNU Partner”, it was committed to playing an active role to ensure that members always reached common ground, to take the country forward.

Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to meet with Hlabisa and DA leader John Steenhuisen on Friday.