Covid-19: Vaccine jabs surpass 30-million in SA, as 4 502 new infections recorded

3rd February 2022 By: News24Wire

 Covid-19: Vaccine jabs surpass 30-million in SA, as 4 502 new infections recorded

More than 30-million Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in South Africa.

According to the Department of Health, 30 031 894 vaccine doses have been administered. Of those, 69 390 were administered on Wednesday.

To date, 16 533 662 adults are fully vaccinated. Among children aged 12 and older, 1 261 838 vaccine doses have been administered.

South Africa recorded 4 502 new Covid-19 infections on Wednesday which represented an 11.3% positivity rate.

According to a statement by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), as of Wednesday, the country recorded 3 612 809 laboratory-confirmed cases.

In the last 48 hours, 15 new Covid-19-related deaths were reported, bringing the confirmed death toll to 95 463.

Gauteng recorded 1 472 new cases on Wednesday, the Western Cape 689 and KwaZulu-Natal 510.

Cases breakdown:

As of Wednesday, Gauteng recorded 1 170 720 laboratory-confirmed infections, KwaZulu-Natal 643 586 and the Western Cape 629 167.

In the last 24-hour reporting cycle, 116 new hospital admissions were reported. As of Wednesday, 5 076 people were in public and private hospitals for Covid-19.

South Africa conducted 22 343 478 cumulative tests, of which 39 892 were carried out in the last 24-hour cycle.