Covid-19: South Africa records 23 884 new cases, 24 deaths

15th December 2021 By: News24Wire

Covid-19: South Africa records 23 884 new cases, 24 deaths

Photo by: Reuters

South Africa recorded 23 884 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday. According to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), as of Tuesday, the country recorded 3 204 642 laboratory-confirmed cases.

There have been 24 new Covid-19-related deaths, bringing the confirmed death toll to 90 172.

"The institute reports 23 884 new Covid-19 cases that have been identified in South Africa… This increase represents a 34.9% positivity rate," the NICD said.

As of Tuesday, Gauteng recorded 1 078 223 cases, KwaZulu-Natal 548 250 and the Western Cape 540 733.

Most new cases were recorded in Gauteng with 36% followed by KwaZulu-Natal with 22%.

The Western Cape accounted for 13%; the Eastern Cape 7%; the Free State and North West 6% each; Mpumalanga 5%; Limpopo 3%; and the Northern Cape 1%. Gauteng recorded 8 685 new cases on Tuesday, KwaZulu-Natal 5 205 and the Western Cape 3 180. There were 599 new hospital admissions in the last 24-hour cycle.

As of Tuesday, 6 895 people were in public and private hospitals for Covid-19. South Africa conducted 20 352 343 cumulative tests, of which 68 437 were carried out in the last 24-hour cycle.

According to the Department of Health, 27 304 475 vaccine doses have been administered. Of those, 102 398 were administered on Tuesday. To date, 15 238 599 adults are fully vaccinated. Among children 12 and older, 789 455 doses of vaccine have been administered.