Covid-19: South Africa records 1 094 new infections, as death toll reaches 97 250

15th February 2022 By: News24Wire

 Covid-19: South Africa records 1 094 new infections, as death toll reaches 97 250

South Africa recorded 1 094 new Covid-19 infections on Monday, which represented a 6.9% positivity rate.

According to a statement by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), as of Monday, the country recorded 3 642 925 laboratory-confirmed cases. Three new Covid-19-related deaths have been recorded, bringing the confirmed death toll to 97 250.

Most new cases were recorded in Gauteng, which accounted for 44% of new infections, followed by the Western Cape with 16%. KwaZulu-Natal accounted for 13%; Mpumalanga 10%; North West 6%; Free State and Limpopo 4% each; Eastern Cape 3%; and Northern Cape 1%.

Gauteng recorded 482 new cases on Monday, the Western Cape 170 and KwaZulu-Natal 138.

Gauteng recorded 1 181 117 cumulative cases, KwaZulu-Natal 647 656 and the Western Cape 634 084.

There were 47 new hospital admissions in the last 24-hour reporting cycle. As of Monday, 3 967 people were in public and private hospitals for Covid-19.

South Africa conducted 22 693 253 cumulative tests, of which 15 930 were carried out in the last 24-hour cycle.

According to the Department of Health, 30 627 415 vaccine doses have been administered. Of those, 63 764 were administered on Monday.

To date, 16 735 990 adults are fully vaccinated. Among children aged 12 and older, 1 389 407 vaccine doses have been administered.