Covid-19: New daily infections pass 20 000 mark, 22 new deaths recorded

10th December 2021 By: News24Wire

 Covid-19: New daily infections pass 20 000 mark, 22 new deaths recorded

South Africa's daily Covid-19 infections have surpassed 20 000, with more than half of the new cases recorded in Gauteng. This comes as the number of fully vaccinated adults reaches 15-million.

"The NICD … reports that 22 391 new Covid-19 cases have been identified in South Africa, representing a 29.8% positivity rate," the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) said in a statement on Thursday.

There were 22 new deaths, bringing the death toll to 90 060.

Cases breakdown:

Gauteng recorded 11 791 new cases on Thursday, with KwaZulu-Natal recording 2 756 and the Western Cape 2 194.

To date, the country has recorded 3 093 452 laboratory-confirmed cases.

There has been an increase of 453 hospital admissions in the past 24 hours. In total, there are 4 795 people in public and private hospitals.

South Africa has conducted 19 988 045 tests - 75 251 have been carried out in the last 24 hours.

According to the Department of Health, 26 917 603 vaccines have been administered in total. Of those, 127 315 were administered in the last 24 hours.

To date, 15 049 129 adults are fully vaccinated, which equates to almost 38% of the adult population. Among children 12 and older, 707 483 doses of the vaccine have been administered.