Committee on Employment and Labour chair extends condolences to families of people who passed away in George

15th May 2024

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour, Ms Lindelwa Dunjwa, has sent condolences to the families of the deceased workers who passed away in the building that collapsed in George.
Ms Dunjwa wished a speedy recovery to the injured and those who may still be alive under the rubble. “This is a sad story for our country. These incidents should not be happening in our country given the levels of development and professionalism in all sectors. Accountability should apply and it should start with the developer and the directors of the company. A lot of concerning information is coming out through the media outlets. That is not ideal, and certainly not for the victims and families of the affected,” said Ms Dunjwa.
The committee remained concerned with the alleged exploitation of foreign nationals as well as unskilled local labour. The possibility of legal steps being taken against the developers and the company needs to be considered. The number of deceased workers in the George building collapse has been revised from 9 to 32. One worker was successfully rescued alive on Monday and Ms Dunjwa said there is still a glimmer of hope that others may also be rescued.
The committee calls on the authorities to take the necessary steps and ensure the company provides the necessary financial support and health needs for the affected. An example should be set of this company, particularly if it is proved that they are an unregistered, bogus company and if health and safety regulations were not adhered to.
Ms Dunjwa noted the proactive steps and involvement of government, including provincial government in providing updated information around the accident. The rescue mission is continuing with about 15 employees yet to be rescued.


Issued by the Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour, Lindelwa Dunjwa