CM: Chamber of Mines meets ANC delegation

20th June 2017

CM: Chamber of Mines meets ANC delegation

ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe
Photo by: Reuters

The Chamber of Mines confirms that a group of its office bearers this afternoon, at the Chamber’s request, met an ANC delegation led by secretary general Gwede Mantashe.

The Chamber office bearers conveyed to the ANC delegation their perspectives on the challenges the DMR’s new mining charter presents to the industry, in terms of both the flawed process and content.

They also advised on the court actions that are now being prepared for. The point was made that legal action against government of this sort is seen only as a matter of last resort and is brought only once all other avenue s have failed. Says Chamber CEO Roger Baxter: “

The industry remains committed to transformation as a national imperative. We need to continue on the industry’s transformation journey that has been going on in earnest since the original charter came into effect more than 13 years ago.

But it needs to be based on workable targets and guidelines that enable an effective transformation process proceeding in a competitive and growing industry. As we have previously indicated, the DMR charter fails in this respect.”


Issued by Chamber of Mines