Checks and balances to avoid non-compliance

10th February 2020

Checks and balances to avoid non-compliance

Institutional checks and balances, civil society groups, and independent media saved South Africa from a $76bn nuclear power deal with Russia under the leadership of the then President Jacob Zuma, according to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report.

Released in December 2019, the report entitled, “Nuclear Enrichment: Russia’s Ill-Fated Influence Campaign in South Africa”,  serves to underpin the importance of having checks and balances, in the form of effective governance, risk and compliance (GRC) protocols, in place to protect your organisation, employees and reputation. Improved governance and compliance policies could certainly have impacted the outcome of what is now termed ‘state capture’, further showcasing the importance of such at all levels of operation – from the ground up.

The challenge: How do you know what GRC system is best for your business?

“Choosing an effective system that has the potential to adapt based on operational requirements, growth and regulatory changes, is crucial to stay on top of your compliance needs,” says Bosman Stramrood, General Manager: Lexis® GRC at LexisNexis. He offers the following advice on kickstarting 2020 with a comprehensive assessment of organisational needs, operational environment and growth potential to enable the selection of an appropriate GRC system:

“An effective GRC protocol provides the necessary tools to effectively manage this essential, resource-intensive function within a business, preventing reputational damage and avoiding falling foul of the law,” says Stramrood.

For more information click here