'Bring it here, we will support your motion' - EFF tells Hanekom

30th November 2016 By: News24Wire

'Bring it here, we will support your motion' - EFF tells Hanekom

Opposition parties had fun at the African National Congress' (ANC's) expense in the National Assembly on Tuesday, poking fun at Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom.

This follows the minister's call for President Jacob Zuma to step down during the ANC's national executive committee (NEC) meeting over the weekend.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) MP Hlengiwe Mkhaliphi proposed that the House grant Hanekom the opportunity to bring the motion of no confidence in Zuma "in this platform".

"When he put the motion elsewhere he did not succeed. We will support you here," she told him, laughing.

Hanekom giggled at the suggestion.

This was the second time the ANC's woes were brought up during the sitting.

'Hanekom, get out of the House please'

Earlier in the sitting, while the House was voting for the new Inspector General of Intelligence, Hanekom mistakenly walked in.

The doors were supposed to have been locked during voting.

"Hanekom, get out of the House please," Deputy Speaker Lechesa Tsenoli told him.

Inkatha Freedom Party MP Narend Singh wanted to know if there was another reason Hanekom was kicked out of the House.

"I was expecting that question," Tsenoli said.

"Hanekom, Hanekom, Hanekom," some of the opposition MPs kept chanting through the sitting.

Hanekom, supported by other ministers, led an unsuccessful call for Zuma to step down. It was defeated in the ANC NEC after three days of deliberations described as "rough", "robust" and "heated".