Brand South Africa hosts Nation Brand Forum

20th September 2017

Minister of Communications Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, joins Brand South Africa to host the Nation Brand Forum aimed at positioning South Africa as a globally competitive destination.

Brand South Africa will on Thursday 5 October 2017 host the Nation Brand Forum to engage the private sector on the development of the Nation Brand’s global marketing strategy.

The consultative forum will advise on how best the organisation can inspire innovation, and utilise the existing business excellence present in the South African context, to better market, profile, and position the Nation Brand in Emerging Markets.

Brand South Africa is mandated to implement proactive and co-ordinated marketing, communication and reputation management strategies to position the South African nation brand positively.

Hosted under the theme - Inspiring Innovation and Business Excellence in the Era of Emerging Markets, this year’s Nation Brand Forum aims to involve business in strengthening, enhancing and advancing the long term reputation and image of the Nation Brand, and on how to strengthen collective efforts as required by the National Development Plan, to position the South African nation brand as a globally competitive destination. Communication and networking opportunities which have opened up through multilateral platforms such as SADC, BRICS and the African Union must also be explored.

It is within this context that stakeholders from government, business, and civil society will meet at the Nation Brand Forum to discuss how to position South Africa as a globally competitive nation brand in a cohesive and consistent manner.

Media is invited to attend as follows:
Date : Thursday 05 October 2017
Time: 08h30 – 15h30
Venue: Summerplace 69 Melville Rd, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, 2196            

RSVPS/Enquiries: Tsabeng Nthite
Mobile number: +27 (0)76 371 6810

Media are kindly requested to RSVP by Thursday 28 September 2017 for logistical reasons.

Brand South Africa will also be able to facilitate any requests for interviews.

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