BBBEE in motion – symposium

14th May 2014

BBBEE in motion – symposium

On 11 October 2013 the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, gazetted the revised Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Codes. The new Codes will replace the existing BEE Codes of Good Practice when they come into operation.

The Codes have introduced a number of changes, including:

1. Ownership
2. Management
3. Enterprise and Supplier Development
4. Skills Development
5. Corporate Social Investment;

Schoeman Tshaka Attorneys and Sales Partners Cape Town will be hosting a BBBEE Symposium on 10 June 2014 at the Cape Town Club. The Symposium is aimed at crossing the bridge from theory to practical steps that business owners can take to build sustainable businesses in an inclusive economy. There will be panel discussions (with audience participation) and will center around four of the new elements. Panelists will be sharing their stories and best practice tips in an engaging format.

The event will also develop skills, inspire, motivate and support the industries and professions through enabling understanding and practical implementation of the new BBBEE Codes whilst also offering a platform where senior management, executives and business owners can interact and learn from case studies and experts in their respective fields.

The key note address will be delivered by Ms Rapelang Rabana, a young and dynamic who has featured in the Forbes Africa before the age of 30. In addition, various business leaders and industry captains will share the stage as panelists who will be discussing the various elements of the new BBBEE Scorecard.  

We hope to see you all there!