Basic education committee to visit farm schools

1st August 2013 By: Motshabi Hoaeane

As part of its oversight mandate, the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education will visit farm schools in the Western Cape on Thursday and Friday (1 to 2 August 2013).

The Committee will visit various schools in the Western Cape Winelands and on the West Coast. The Committee will also meet with organised labour and the provincial Department of Education. The purpose of the visit is to assess the state of education in farm schools and to enquire regarding the progress, or lack of it, in the implementation of policies and pieces of legislation affecting farm schools.

A number of focus areas have been identified for monitoring the state of education in these schools. These include environment an infrastructure, the accessibility of schools, teaching and learning, curriculum delivery, school governance, progression and skills development and socio-economic challenges to education.

The Committee will break up into two groups for this visit.

Oversight and Monitoring Visit to Farm Schools Free State + Western Cape - Cape Winelands
Oversight and Monitoring Visit to Farm Schools Free State + Western Cape - West Coast

Rajaa Azzakani (Ms)
Parliamentary Communication Services
Tel: 021 403 8437
Cell: 082 560 9610