Aquaculture Dynamics: Constraints and Opportunities for Aquaculture Development in Southern Mozambique

18th June 2024

Aquaculture Dynamics: Constraints and Opportunities for Aquaculture Development in Southern Mozambique

This report provides insights on the challenges faced by Mozambique’s aquaculture sector, with a particular focus on Southern Mozambique, and proposes actions to overcome them.

After providing a snapshot of the state of fish production, the availability of inputs, and techniques and production systems across the region’s value chain, it sheds light on key constraints and opportunities for the development of the aquaculture industry in Southern Mozambique by examining six components, namely, the area’s geography, local production and commodities demand, access to inputs and production costs, the agroecological situation, technical governance structures, and the environment and ecosystem.

Based on these observations, a series of recommended actions is proposed to support the development of Southern Mozambique’s aquaculture sector in line with the government of Mozambique’s development objectives.

Report by the World Bank