ANC: ANC mourns the passing of struggle veteran Cde Laloo Chiba

8th December 2017

ANC: ANC mourns the passing of struggle veteran Cde Laloo Chiba

The African National Congress is deeply saddened by the passing of struggle veteran and stalwart of our movement, Comrade Laloo Isu Chiba. Comrade Chiba died today, 8 December 2017, at the age of 87 years.

A dedicated and selfless freedom fighter, Comrade Chiba dedicated his life to the liberation and service of the people of South Africa. He was the epitome of a well rounded cadre who understood the interrelatedness and the interdependence of the struggles of the people of our country, serving as a member of the Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC), South African Communist Party (SACP) and uMkhonto weSizwe.

Together with his comrades, Comrade Chiba bore the brunt of the brutality of the apartheid Security Police. For his convictions, he served 18 years of incarceration at Robben Island and on his release continued the fight for liberation as an active and committed leader of the United Democratic Front (UDF).

In democracy, Comrade Chiba continued to serve on the side of the people as a Member of Parliament until 2004. At the time of his passing, he was a member of the Board of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, still taking forward his life's work to build a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society.

For his contribution to the "struggle for democracy, building democracy and human rights, nation-building, justice and peace, or conflict resolution", amongst his accolades and recognition was the conferring of the national order, the Order of Luthuli in Silver, by the government of the Republic of South Africa in 2004.

We, the people, owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude to comrades such as Comrade Chiba and many other peoples of South Africa and the world for their tireless fight against the tyranny of injustice.

The African National Congress sends our heartfelt condolences to Comrade Laloo Chiba's wife, Luxmi, his three daughters and their family at large. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this very difficult time of grief. May Comrade Chiba's soul rest in everlasting peace knowing that his name is forever etched in the annals lauding the heroes and heroines of our struggle.


Issued by the African National Congress