AfriForum launches #MyPower campaign; asks large scale mobilisation of individuals and businesses 

26th July 2022

AfriForum launches #MyPower campaign; asks large scale mobilisation of individuals and businesses 

AfriForum launches its #MyPower campaign today following the announcement that businesses and households will be encouraged to install solar power and feed excess power into the grid. The campaign is asking for a mandate that AfriForum and its service company, Pionier, can negotiate on behalf of households and businesses with the newly established Energy Crisis Committee as well as with Nersa on regulations for private power generation, sales to the power grid and tariffs for sales.

“It is critically important to fully open the gap for private power generation and delivery that has just opened so that South Africa can be freed from the grip of the ongoing energy crisis. For that, the government has finally realised that more private power generation is needed. Households and businesses will play a key role in making communities energy independent again,” says Johan Kruger, Head of Community Development at AfriForum.

AfriForum calls on its members and the public to participate en masse in this important campaign. “Now is the time to take full advantage of negotiations and liaison opportunities with the Energy Crisis Committee, so that real reform of the energy order can begin. The government must understand how serious taxpayers are about a new energy order,” explains Kruger.

“AfriForum, its service company, Pionier, and our capital partners are already working hard on reliable and affordable energy solutions for households and small businesses, as well as on large-scale delivery of power as an independent power producer,” adds Kruger.

With the #MyPower platform, AfriForum creates the opportunity for individuals and businesses to:

At the same time, AfriForum creates the opportunity for accredited service providers to provide their details to Pionier for future use.


Issued by AfriForum