Afriforum: Land reform without compensation is based on a contortion of the past

26th February 2018

Afriforum: Land reform without compensation is based on a contortion of the past

AfriForum labelled the EFF’s proposed motion regarding land reform without compensation as a destructive political move based on a contortion of the past.

Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, says that the history of land ownership is more complicated than radical land activists want to let on: “To state that white people who own land necessarily obtained it by means of oppression, violence or forced removals, is simply deceitful.”

Roets explains that there must be distinguished between restitution and the redistribution of land: “The EFF’s view on redistribution is merely a racist process to chase white people off their land and establish it within the state. This is not only deceiving, but also a duplication of the economic policies that the world’s worst economies put in place.”


Issued by Afriforum