Africa tax in brief

18th November 2015

Africa tax in brief

ANGOLA: New Private Investment Law

On 30 September 2015, Presidential Decree No. 184/15 terminated the existence of the National Agency for Private Investment (Agência Nacional para o Investimento Privado, ANIP) and created the Agency for Investment Promotion and Exports of Angola (Agência para a Promoção do Investimento e Exportações de Angola, APIEX). The role of the new agency is to promote and attract new private domestic or foreign investments in Angola for the purpose of the economic development of the country.

Presidential Decree No. 181/15 provides the new national policy on Private Investments and introduces the functions to be performed by the new APIEX with effect from 30 September 2015.

Presidential Decree No. 182/15 introduces the principles applicable to private investment, the competence and rules of operation of APIEX created to support private investment, tax incentives, and the legal framework of private investment contracts.

The main tax incentives granted by Presidential Decree 182/15 include:

The new rules apply to investment projects commencing after the entry into force of the Presidential Decree on 30 September 2015. However, Presidential Decree 182/15 may apply to ongoing investment projects commencing prior to its entry into force, if the new rules provided are more beneficial for the investor.

Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC"): New Hydrocarbon Law published

On 7 August 2015, the new hydrocarbon law was published under Law 15/012 in the Official Gazette and became effective from 1 August 2015. The new law abolished Ordinance Law 81-013 of 2 April 1981 (as amended).

The new law divided the territory of the DRC into four fiscal zones (A, B, C and D) based on geological and environmental criteria which will be fixed in a yet to be released executive regulation of the hydrocarbon law.

The new law does not include any fiscal stabilization clause.

Non-tax measures include:

The executive regulation is expected to be published by decree within 6 months from the effective date of the new law.

GHANA: Value Added Tax ("VAT") on real estate developers

On 7 October 2015, the tax administration published on its website a clarification regarding the application of VAT by real estate developers, which confirmed that:

MOZAMBIQUE: Public debt securities transfer tax introduced

On 2 October 2015, a tax applicable to sales and purchases of public debt securities traded through the Central Securities Depository (“CSD”) was gazetted through Ministerial Diploma No. 90/2015. The tax is levied at a rate of 0.2% and became effective on 3 October 2015.

NIGERIA: Public notice on payment of advance income tax on interim dividends published

A public notice was issued by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (“FIRS”) in October 2015 regarding the payment of tax on interim dividends, as provided for by section 43(6) of the Companies Income Tax Act, 2004 (“CITA”).

According to the notice, all companies (private and public) are reminded that they are required to pay Companies Income Tax (“CIT”) at 30% on the profits from which interim dividends are paid, prior to the payment of such dividend. The tax so paid is a deposit against the tax due from the company on the profits out of which the dividend is paid.

Non-compliance will attract relevant sanctions and penalties under the CITA. Any company that has declared an interim dividend this year and going forward is required to file a self-assessment return and pay the tax due on the profits immediately. FIRS is expected to carry out random compliance checks on all companies.

ZAMBIA: 2016 Budget – details

On 9 October 2015, the Budget for 2016 was presented to the National Assembly by the Minister of Finance. Details of the Budget, which unless otherwise indicated, will apply from 1 January 2016, and are summarized below:

Written by Celia Becker, Africa regulatory and business intelligence, executive, ENSafrica