Advancements in continental power system planning for Africa

12th July 2024

 Advancements in continental power system planning for Africa

This report provides details regarding the design and setup of the System Planning Test–Continental Masterplan (SPLAT-CMP) model, the underlying model of the Africa Continental Master Plan (CMP) for electricity generation and transmission.

CMP is an initiative tasked to the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) as per the recommendations adopted by the African heads of States at the 34th AU-Summit in 2021. Subsequently, in the 37th AU-Summit in 2024, the African heads of States officially endorsed the first CMP plan as an AU Agenda 2063 Flagship Project.

IRENA supports the CMP initiative as an officially endorsed modelling partner, providing capacity building to AUDA-NEPAD on power systems modelling, resulting in the use of SPLAT-CMP as one of the key tools to quantify the long-term goals of the CMP.

Report by the International Renewable Energy Agency