Ad Hoc Committee kicks off recruitment process for new WC PSC Commissioner

1st June 2023

Yesterday, the Western Cape’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Public Service Commission met to plan the way forward in regard to the application and nomination process for a Western Cape Commissioner.

The Committee is well on track in its process to advertise, shortlist and vet candidates for the position ahead of its 30 September deadline.

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament established the Ad Hoc Committee in order to vet applications and make a recommendation on a candidate for the Premier to nominate to serve on the PSC.

The Committee made the following resolutions:

The Committee was also briefed by officials from the Commission who stressed the importance of an independent and professional PSC in order to build ethical and capable state institutions.

The Chairperson of the PSC, Professor Somadoda Fikeni, lauded the Western Cape Government for its work and the Department of Premier as an exemplar of government best practice.

At a time of wholesale government corruption and poor service delivery especially in local government – the work of the PSC as a crucial constitutional institution becomes ever more important.


Issued by Wendy Kaizer-Philander MPP - DA Chief Whip in Western Cape Provincial Parliament