ActionSA Unveils Final Gauteng Election Poster Demonstrating a Third-Way Coalition Is Possible 

8th May 2024

ActionSA Unveils Final Gauteng Election Poster Demonstrating a Third-Way Coalition Is Possible 

With three weeks to the national elections, ActionSA has unveiled its final Gauteng election poster in Ivory Park, Midrand, which simply tells voters: ‘Let Action Lead’. The poster seeks to encourage voters that it is possible to have a coalition government in the province which is not led by the political establishment, but by ActionSA. 

Over the past few years, we have seen coalition governments in Gauteng led by Yellow which have proven to be a disaster. We have seen coalition governments led by Blue, which have been unstable. Now, it is time to give Green a chance to show what is possible. 

An ActionSA-led coalition will build on the legacy of our President, Herman Mashaba, who is one of the only mayors in the country who has successfully led a seven-party coalition in a major metropolitan for over three years. In 2021, ActionSA also emerged as the fourth biggest political party in Gauteng despite only contesting in three municipalities  in this province and is set to build on those results in the upcoming elections. It is therefore possible to have an ActionSA-led coalition government in Gauteng. 

An ActionSA-led government will build on our governance experience in the City of Tshwane and Johannesburg where we help fight corruption, prioritise water delivery to areas such as Hammanskraal, improve public transport and put an end to the exorbitant benefits political officials enjoy while in office. ActionSA will put the interest of South Africans first by restoring the rule of law, insourcing frontline public servants such as cleaners and security guards and ensuring that infrastructure projects are completed. 

Under ActionSA, there will be no security force names after individuals such as AmaPanyaza, but instead, public officials will serve all South Africans - regardless of who they voted for. Billions of taxpayer rands will not be wasted as we saw during the Covid-19 pandemic while our people were suffering, and whistleblowers who expose corruption will not be intimidated but will instead be protected and celebrated. 

ActionSA’s final Gauteng election poster shows that it is possible to have a coalition led by green in Gauteng. But for that to happen, it will require that voters take action to remove the ruling party and the ballot this year, and vote for ActionSA this year. Because, only action will fix South Africa. 


Issued by ActionSA Gauteng Premier Candidate Funzi Ngobeni