2024 General Elections: Gains made since dawn of democracy not to be reversed by change of government   

3rd June 2024

2024 General Elections: Gains made since dawn of democracy not to be reversed by change of government   

Photo by: Bloomberg

South Africa’s 2024 elections have been concluded. The people of South Africa have spoken with a loud and clear voice: The era of coalition government is upon the country and the future is beckoning.
The PSA pays tribute to the millions of South Africans who cast their votes on 29 May 2024. The PSA expresses gratitude to the country’s citizens and PSA members, who despite frustrating technical glitches experienced during the elections, braved the cold weather, endured long queues, and exercised patience to make their mark.
The outcome of the election gave no party an absolute mandate to govern. Instead, the electorate has given political parties the mandate to work together to co-govern South Africa. This means that parties must begin to negotiate to form a government. Negotiations, by their very nature, require maturity and sacrifice. This is a process where parties will be expected to put the interest of the people of South Africa ahead of party-political interests. The PSA aspires for a government that will be transparent, fair, and just. The Union urges all parties to ensure that the outcome of the ongoing negotiations inspires in the public service and broader society.
The PSA is aware that some parties campaigned on the ticket of public-service reforms. This may be one of the key issues in negotiations. The PSA requests that the public service must not be compromised or antagonised in the process. The public service is not an enemy, but an enabler of any sitting government. As an independent and politically non-aligned Union, the PSA will work with any democratically elected government, whether coalition or not. The magnitude of the challenges facing the country requires selfless and servant leadership. As in 1994, this moment calls for all, including civil society and trade unions, to recommit to the reconstruction and development of the country, to fostering unity and the recalibration of the economy.
The PSA urges political parties to strive for a working consensus, to bridge the gap between the magnitude of challenges and the diversity of convictions. The challenges of poverty, inequality, and unemployment are vexing and continue to torment the nation. Bickering over ideologies and selfish interests will only delay triumph over challenges and defer the dreams of millions of South Africans who are suffering under the weight of these challenges. Political parties must use the next few days to thrash out a working coalition that can advance the interests of the people.
The PSA is a professional and independent Union in the public service. The Union’s non-aligned and independent stance towards party politics enables it to remain principled and focused on safeguarding the interest of members, irrespective of which party is in government. However, even in this new era of co-governance, the PSA expects that gains made since the dawn of democracy not to be reversed by a change of government. The PSA will seek to defend collective agreements that are already in place, protect the interests of members and advance the plight of the South African public.


Issued by Public Servants Association