Acts By topic
Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011
To provide for the establishment of bodies corporate to manage and regulate sections and common property in sectional titles schemes and for that... →
Sheriffs Amendment Act 14 of 2012
To amend the Sheriffs Act, 1986, so as to substitute certain definitions and to insert a new definition; to provide for the establishment of... →
Skills Development Amendment Act 26 of 2011
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general information →
Skills Development Levies Amendment Act 24 of 2010
To amend the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999, so as to amend the definitions of "Director-General" and "Minister"; and to provide for matters... →
South African Citizenship Amendment Act 17 of 2010
To amend the South African Citizenship Act, 1995, so as to substitute, insert or delete certain definitions; to revise the provisions relating to... →
South African Human Rights Commission Act 40 of 2013
South African Human Rights Commission Act [No. 40 of 2013] (Gazette 37253 Government Notice 37) →
South African Language Practitioners' Council Act 8 of 2014
To provide for the establishment of the South African Language Practitioners’ Council; to provide for the objects, powers, duties and functions of... →
South African Post Bank Limited Amendment Act 10 of 2023 (English / Afrikaans)
To amend the South African Post bank Limited Act, 2010, so as to amend and insert certain definitions; to amend the objects of the Act; to provide... →