Other Opinions
Battle of the deputies: Fact-checking claims from Kenya’s presidential running mate debates
By: Africa Check 26th July 2022 Ahead of the 9 August general election, Kenya’s four running mates took to the lecterns to promote their agendas in nationally televised debates.... →
Youth Hubs will create grassroots change in communities
25th July 2022 ACTIVATE! Change Drivers recently hosted its youth hub leaders in a three-day training workshop in Johannesburg, to strengthen their capacity to... →
"Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement"
15th July 2022 If you cut apart and examine the structure of this assertion (study the particularity) it’s very serious. WHAT IS THEORY? It’s a systematised... →
How much schooling time did South Africa’s kids lose to Covid? Probably a year
By: Africa Check 15th July 2022 The Covid pandemic affected nearly all aspects of life in South Africa, including education. In March 2020, shortly before the country first went... →
New South Africa as a world-system: Black areas like a swarm of bees protect Queen, the white settlement
14th July 2022 Each day that passes indicates that South Africa has a fragile political system that lacks ‘shock absorbers’ to contain and withstand problems that... →
#OsunDecides2022: Did debating governor hopefuls in Nigerian state get their facts right?
By: Africa Check 13th July 2022 Osun state voters will in a few days elect a governor, picking from a slate of 15 candidates. The state is in southwest Nigeria and has a... →
Proposals on power crisis are encouraging
12th July 2022 Proposals from thought leaders, civil society and the government to address the power crisis are encouraging. The National Planning Commission... →
Funding a basic income grant will not mean a ‘slight increase’ in taxes – it will be close to crippling
11th July 2022 For the richest 10% of South Africans — 3.5-million people — to pay the cost of a basic income grant, their taxes would rise from 33% of their... →
Monkeypox does not spread faster in men who have sex with men – virus spreads through contact
By: Africa Check 11th July 2022 In May 2022, an outbreak of the disease monkeypox was detected in several European countries where it was not endemic, or frequently detected.... →
DA hypocrisy regarding cadre deployment exposed for all to see
11th July 2022 Since the start of this administration in 2019, Premier Winde espoused messages of hope, transparency and service delivery in the province. He... →