Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
The ins and outs of outsourcing
26th June 2015 According to a recent Outsourcing and Insourcing Report compiled by Deloittes, the trend towards IT outsourcing is increasing, with clients looking... →
Transportation of night workers: is it the employer's obligation?
24th June 2015 Section 17(1) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, No 75 of 1997 (BCEA) defines night work as work performed after 18h00 and before 06h00 the... →
Businesses should anticipate the Employment Services Act in July
16th June 2015 The Employment Services Act (ESA South Africa) was assented to by the President on 3 April 2014. Since then, interested parties such as temporary... →
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr acted as legal counsel for Busamed in relation to debt funding of two private hospitals
15th June 2015 Mashudu Junior Mphafudi, and Preshan Singh-Dhulam, directors in the Finance and Banking practice at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, acted as legal counsel... →
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr acted as legal counsel for Busamed in relation to debt funding of two private hospitals
By: Creamer Media Reporter 12th June 2015 Mashudu Junior Mphafudi, and Preshan Singh-Dhulam, directors in the Finance and Banking practice at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, acted as legal counsel... →
New Code of Good Practice issued on equal pay for work of equal value
4th June 2015 On the 1 June 2015, the Minister of Labour issued a Code of Good Practice on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value (Code) in terms of the amended... →
Final guidelines for determination of administrative penalties published
2nd June 2015 The Competition Commission has published the final Guidelines for Determination of Administrative Penalties for Prohibited Practices (Guidelines).... →
Playing with fire: Specific performance and a lessee's plight
28th May 2015 In the case of Hennox 349 CC v SA Retail Properties Ltd 2014 JDR 2460 (GJ), the lessee learnt a R2 million lesson. After hounding its lessor to... →