Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1600) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1600) (English / Afrikaans) →
Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act: Municipal by-elections of 6 June 2018: Official list of voting stations
The Electoral Commission hereby gives notice in terms of section 19(5) and 22(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act 27 of... →
Currency and Exchanges Act: Notice and order of forfeiture: Juan-Paul Schroeder
Currency and Exchanges Act: Notice and order of forfeiture: Juan-Paul Schroeder →
Government Employees Pension Law: Government Employees Pension Fund: Rules: Amendment
In terms of section 29 of the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996 (Proclamation No.21 of 1996), the Board of Trustees hereby amends the rules of... →
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 6 (no 6/1D/05) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 6 (no 6/1D/05) (English / Afrikaans) →
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1599) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 1 (no 1/1/1599) (English / Afrikaans) →
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 8 (no 8/10) (English / Afrikaans)
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Schedule 8 (no 8/10) (English / Afrikaans) →
Labour Relations Act: Change of name of employers’ organisation: Chamber of Mines South Africa to Minerals Council South Africa
Labour Relations Act: Change of name of employers’ organisation: Chamber of Mines South Africa to Minerals Council South Africa →