Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill B34-2017
To amend the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996, so as to amend a definition; to provide that a medical practitioner and a social worker... →
[B34 - 2017]
Electronic Deeds Registration Systems B35-2017
To provide for electronic deeds registration, having regard to legislation regulating electronic communication and transactions; and to provide for... →
[B35 - 2017]
Repeal of the Overvaal Resorts Limited Bill B36-2017
To repeal the Overvaal Resorts Limited Act, 1993; and to provide for matters connected therewith. →
[B36 - 2017]
More Bills
International Crimes Bill B37-2017
To criminalise conduct constituting international crimes; to regulate immunity from the prosecution of international crimes; to grant... →
[B37 - 2017]