Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Act 19 of 2011
To amend the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996, so as to amend a definition and insert a definition; to provide for the payment of a pension... →
Division of Revenue Amendment Act 20 of 2011
To amend the Division of Revenue Act, 2011, so as to provide for the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial... →
Higher Education Laws Amendment Act (21 of 2011)
To amend the Higher Education Act, 1997, so as to regulate the conduct of members of the council, members of committees of the council and... →
South African Post Office SOC Ltd Act 22 of 2011
To provide for the continued corporate existence of the South Africa Post Office and its subsidiaries; to provide for its governance and staff; and... →
Adjustments Appropriation Act 23 of 2011
To effect adjustments to the appropriation of money from the National Revenue Fund for the requirements of the State in respect of the 2011/1012... →
Taxation Laws Amendment Act 24 of 2011
To amend the Transfer Duty Act, 1949, so as to amend and delete certain definitions; to modify rates and thresholds; to make new provisions; and to... →
Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act 25 of 2011
To amend the Income Tax Act, 1962, so as to amend certain provisions. →
Skills Development Amendment Act 26 of 2011
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general information →