Insolvency Amendment Bill (B 14B-2002)
To amend the Insolvency Act, 1936, so as to further regulate the effect of sequestration on employment contracts and claims for severance and... →
Insolvency Amendment Bill (B 14-2002)
To amend the Insolvency Act, 1936, so as to further regulate the effect of sequestration on employment contracts and claims for severance and... →
Probation Services Amendment Bill (B 18B-2002)
To amend the Probation ServicesAct, 1991,rso ä to insert certain definitions; to make further provision for programmes aimed at the prevention and... →
Prevention and combating of corrupt activities bill (B 19B-2002)
To provide for the strengthening of measures to prevent and combat corruption and corrupt activities; to provide for the offence of corruption and... →
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Bill (B 19D of 2002)
To provide for the strengthening of measures to prevent and combat corruption and corrupt activities; to provide for the offence of corruption and... →
Portfolio committee amendments to prevention and combating of
ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1. On page 4, in line 46, to omit “laws,” and to substitute “laws”. 2. On page 4, after line 47, to insert “SCHEDULE”. →
Disaster Management Bill (B 21-2002)
To provide for - - * an integrated and co-ordinated disaster management, policy that focuses on preventing or reducing the risk of disasters,... →