Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act (No. 33 of 1993)
To amend the Harmful Business Practices Act, 1988, so as to insert certain definitions; to further regulate the constitution of the Business... →
Professional Land Surveyors' and Technical Surveyors' Amendment Act
To amend the Professional Land Surveyors and Technical Surveyors Act, 1984, so as to substitute the expression professional surveyor for the... →
Education Affairs Amendment Act (No. 36 of 1993)
To amend the Education Affairs Act (House of Assembly), 1988, so as to define or further define certain expressions; to further regulate the... →
Co-operatives Amendment Act (No 37 of 1993)
To amend the Co-operatives Act, 1981, so as to amend certain obsolete definitions; to delete obsolete transitional clauses; to further regulate the... →
Marine Traffic Amendment Act (No. 38 of 1993)
To amend the Marine Traffic Act, 1981, in order to extend the definition of offshore installation so as to include therein pipelines and floating... →
Road Traffic Amendment Act (No. 39 of 1993)
To amend the Road Traffic Act, 1989, so as to de fine or further define certain expressions; to provide for certain administrative procedures... →
Vista University Amendment Act (No. 40 of 1993)
To amend the Vista University Act, 1981, so as to insert or amend certain definitions; to alter the constitution of the University; to further... →
Animal Matters Amendment Act (No. 42 of 1993)
To provide for directions in respect of injuries caused by animals; to amend the Animals Protection Act, 1962, so as to further regulate the... →