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Today, the Western Cape Provincial Parliament adopted the final report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Covid-19. This followed the lifting of the National State of Disaster and the ceasing of Disaster Management Regulations.
The Committee, which consisted of members from 6 out of 7 political parties represented in the Provincial Parliament, played a crucial role these past two years in performing oversight and ensuring accountability from the Western Cape Provincial Government on spending, procurement and decision-making during the Covid-19 pandemic. The multiparty Committee also played a key role in amplifying the work and perspectives of civil society, public institutions and Western Cape residents.
The report that was adopted today provides key takeaways regarding the work the Ad Hoc Committee has done as well as recommendations to take forward.
Now that the Ad Hoc Committee’s work has concluded, it was resolved that it would be the responsibility of the Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committees to deal with matters pertaining to Covid-19 within their respective portfolios.
The Western Cape was the only province which established a special Ad Hoc Committee on Covid-19 to monitor and scrutinise the Executive’s response to the pandemic. The Committee has been an excellent vehicle for a whole of society view of government action, and the effects of this virus. We can be proud of this legislature, that it established this body to breathe life into parliamentary oversight at a time where there was unprecedented uncertainty and fear.
I wish to thank each member who served on the Committee for their contributions as well as the Western Cape Executive for submitting themselves to the work of this Committee. I trust that this Ad Hoc Committee has paved the way for what is possible when political parties come together in a non-partisan fashion to tackle the challenges within our society.
Issued by DA Chief Whip: Western Cape Provincial Parliament, Mireille Wenger MPP
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