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Swellendam once again under attack by a campaign of terror


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Swellendam once again under attack by a campaign of terror

20th September 2023


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Once again, the Swellendam Municipality has come under attack by campaign of terror forces creating violence and destruction, this time within the community of Railton this morning.

I vehemently condemn these actions, which have endangered lives, caused extensive property damage, and disrupted essential public services.


We regret to report that the Thusong Centre, a vital municipal building in Railton, has also fallen victim to arson. This facility plays a crucial role in providing essential services and support to our residents, and its destruction is a significant setback for the entire community, especially residents of Railton.

Protesters are blocking off roads and preventing the police from accessing the affected areas. This is an unacceptable hindrance to law enforcement efforts to restore order and ensure the safety of our community, and a violation of people’s right to safety.


At the same time, a fire truck deployed to douse the fire engulfing the Thusong Centre has also been set alight.

These criminal acts not only threaten the well-being of our residents but also undermine the principles of law and order that are fundamental to our society. The Swellendam Municipality is working tirelessly with law enforcement agencies to apprehend those responsible for these heinous actions and hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law. It also worth noting that ANC councillors in the municipality have aligned themselves to community leaders who had organised today’s protests that turned violent very quickly.

We call upon all community members to reject violence and help restore peace and security in Railton. We understand that there are concerns within the community, and we are committed to addressing these concerns through constructive dialogue and peaceful means.

The Municipality has made considerable efforts to engage indigent residents of Railton who qualify for subsidised services and to assist with registering them. The municipal council previously took a decision to cease automatic registration for services, and instead encourage those who qualified, to apply with the municipality. This was done to ensure those who could afford services, were no longer unfairly benefitting from a system that is meant for those residents who live in dire conditions and need subsidised services.

This change in policy by the municipality has evidently angered those who felt entitled to continue drawing free services from the municipality when they did not qualify for these subsidies. They wanted to continue benefitting at the cost of indigent residents.

We have experienced this terror before, and it was evident that there were inadequate policing resources to prevent the destruction on 16th August 2023. I will be relentless in the wake of today’s violence in ascertaining the level of police resources allocated to Railton and will pursue accountability if adequate resources were not proactively allocated when the notice for today’s protests were first made public, days before.

Our primary focus remains on ensuring the safety of our residents, restoring peace to the affected areas, and upholding the values of a safe, inclusive, and thriving community. We urge residents to report any suspicious activities or information related to criminal behaviour to the local authorities.


Issued by Francois du Rand - Executive Mayor of Swellendam Local Municipality



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