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The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry congratulates the ruling party for holding their 6th National Policy Conference from the 28-31 July 2022 at Nasrec, and for engaging key stakeholders and other social partners including organised business.
It is common cause that today, South Africa faces it’s most difficult social and economic challenges, with record high unemployment and a moribund slow growth economy in an increasingly adverse global economic outlook with high energy costs, difficult supply chains, and a volatile foreign exchange environment that impacts on global trade and financial investment.
We would like to encourage the ruling party to give urgency in finding permanent and sustainable solutions to the task at hand. Policy certainty is necessary in an environment that has become unstable for business and a functional economy.
We appeal to the policy makers to address the following items as a matter of urgency:
Building a meritocracy in the state. No capable state can exist, in the absence of a meritocracy.
The mineral and petroleum resources development policy
Sustainable energy not only in the Republic, but the broader region where we as South Africa conduct trade and see opportunities.
A high performing, competitive rail and ports infrastructure. Water and sanitation, telecoms, spectrum, broadband, satellite etc.
Safety and security of people and property. This is a big impediment with rampant crime.
An effective criminal justice system capability.
Access to affordable high- quality education and development to build broad skills and competencies in a globally competitive economy.
A review of our development finance institutions to play a more meaningful and effective developmental role, instead of behaving like deposit taking commercial banks.
Research and development, re-industrialisation, and the innovation eco-system.
Economic inclusion, diversity and equity
The above points, within a stable macro-economic environment, are critical and urgent, to take South Africa on a positive growth trajectory to sustainably solve the challenges of unemployment, poverty and equality over the coming decades.
Issued by SACCI CEO Alan Mukoki
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