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With online publishing becoming the new normal for many publishers, the sheer number of services available on the market can be overwhelming. This information overload can be tricky to cut through.
Publishers face a variety of challenges, specifically assurance of expert Peer-Review; finding a reliable and practical online publishing solution; how to save time during the review process and, most importantly, cost effectiveness.
To power up the way publishers manage their submissions and respective reviewing, Sabinet started offering the PowerReview system to publishers. PowerReview allows a publisher’s multiple users to collectively collaborate seamlessly on pieces to perfect, peer-review and prep them for publication.
Now with the implementation of ORCID iD’s on PowerReview, South African publishers can further increase their effectiveness in the publishing of their journals.
Orchestrating multiple reviewers using the ORCID iD system
Having recently incorporated ORCID iD use into its workflow, the influence of the professional ‘profile’ which ORCID iD allows reviewers to create for themselves cannot be understated, especially when considering the important function peer review plays when it comes to evaluating the accuracy of research.
Importantly, Sabinet endeavours with this integration, in building a trusted research information infrastructure by asserting the connection between reviewers and their review activity and other contributions. By linking one’s ORCID iD with their professional information, reviewers can rest assured that, regardless of where they put the work in, they’ll be recognised for their contributions.
Growing the PowerReview offering with ORCID
While ORCID iDs prove to be a benefit to reviewers, publishers and editors benefit greatly from their use as these persistent identifiers make managing people databases that much easier while also improving the management of CRM. With iD’ed reviewers, keeping track of who is working on what becomes a breeze and, with access to a reviewer’s ‘track record’, future review requests based on prior review history can be made with greater ease.
Incorporated into the workflow, these ORCID iDs help simplify the way reviewers work and, more importantly, receive recognition for their work which, in turn, helps to build a trusted research information infrastructure which benefits every player involved in the process.
Widespread integration covering a number of bases
ORCID integration, sharing the spotlight with other services like CrossRef, PubMed and Sabinet’s own African Journals, goes a long way in strengthening and helping to speed up the peer review process. For this reason, managing multiple projects from start to finish and ensuring peer review along the way is nearly effortless and Sabinet’s PowerReview provides unparalleled automation and workflow improvement.
The same rings true when it comes to managing article processing charges and, with the SciPris online payment platform managing article processing charges for open access and hybrid journals have never been easier. Often a complicated process fraught with multiple payments, multiple recipients and a number of differing due-by dates, through the online payment platform SciPris integrates via API to draw metadata from PowerReview, generating invoices and facilitating payments without the additional admin and with the powerful reporting system admin has been simplified dramatically.
To learn more about PowerReview, its widespread integration and exactly how it powers up the way your business manages its reviewing workflow, click here.
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