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The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) is shocked to hear of the deaths of at least eleven mineworkers at Impala Platinum Rustenburg mine at Shaft 11. According to the statement released by Implats, the accident occurred when the cage carrying mineworkers to the surface, fell. At least 75 people are being treated for injuries in various hospitals in the vicinity.
NUMSA represents contract workers at Implats who work at shaft 11. We have members at Triple M, Reagetswe, Platchro, Oteng and Newrack mining. This incident is gravely concerning and it raises a lot of questions about health and safety issues.
NUMSA dips its revolutionary red flag to mourn the loss of these workers. They are not just numbers, they are breadwinners and they have households who love them, and depend on them. We send our deepest condolences to their families and friends for this tragic loss of life.
Issued by NUMSA
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