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The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has noted the incorrect and misleading comments on social media platforms alleging that Mr Thembani Bukula, the NERSA Chairperson, has a conflict of interest and would like to correct the misleading comments and provide the facts as follows:
The Chairperson of NERSA, Mr Thembani Bukula is not conflicted. He resigned from his position as Non-Executive Director of Mahube Infrastructure upon his appointment as NERSA Chairperson.
The law requires that upon appointment every Part-Time Regulator Member (Board Member) must disclose to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy his (or her) pecuniary interest in any company (firm or association) engaged in the electricity, piped-gas and petroleum pipelines industries. Mr Bukula, as the Part-Time Regulator Member has duly complied in this regard and did declare his interests before taking over his position.
Lastly, in accordance with the law, there is no pecuniary interest that Mr Bukula stands to benefit pursuant to all decisions taken by the Energy Regulator. The Energy Regulator (Board) consists of nine (9) Members that make decisions on applications from NERSA licensees including Eskom. The decisions of the Energy Regulator are solely based on the thorough analysis of the application as well as facts and evidence presented to the Energy Regulator.
Issued by NERSA
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