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The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) in Mpumalanga condemns the irregular and fraudulent recruitment process that took place at the Mpumalanga Traffic Training College.
The recruitment for the Basic Traffic Officer Learnership Programme is facilitated by the Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison (DCSSL).
As NEHAWU in the province, we have declared corruption as the number one enemy of our people because it robs them of quality service delivery while enriching a few elites. It is for this reason that we hate corruption with a passion. Furthermore, we always condemn it wherever it rears its ugly head. The scourge of corruption must be condemned at all material times and those perpetrating it must be exposed. It is our responsibility as NEHAWU to defend and represent the interest of our members and workers in general, however, we also have a responsibility to fight corruption and nepotism at all times.
We are the majority union in the department, however, we were never included in the selection process. In this regard, we call on the department to desist from sidelining us as a recognised union. We will confront management on this issue as a matter of urgency to ensure that it does not happen again.
NEHAWU notes the pronouncement made by the Premier of Mpumalanga Province, Ms. Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane, that the contracts of those learners who were fraudulently selected must be rescinded with immediate effect. However, we strongly believe that rescinding the contracts alone is not enough and that those who are responsible for the current mess must face punitive measures. In this regard, we call for a thorough investigation into what transpired and those found to be in the wrong must face the long arm of the law.
We find it abhorrent that young people are not given a fair chance to employment opportunities by corrupt individuals inside the provincial government. We will use every resource available at our disposal to stop this marginalisation of young people. In this regard, we will mobilise all sectors of society to join us in the fight for fair recruitment processes in all government departments.
Lastly, we note with serious concern the misleading information currently circulating in the public that a Provincial Office Bear of NEHAWU participated in the recruitment process of the Learnership. We want to put it on record that this is pure lies and we further refute the lie that NEHAWU addressed the learners. We dispute such allegations and regard them as unfounded, baseless, and a malicious attack on the union and its leadership.
As NEHAWU in the province, we shall continue to work side by side with our members to “strengthen workplace organization, deepen class consciousness, and advance internationalism”.
Issued by NEHAWU Mpumalanga Provincial Secretariat
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