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The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) in Limpopo has noted with serious disappointment the continued efforts by the Office of the Premier to mislead the public in relation to the case that NEHAWU opened against the Premier of Limpopo and other senior officials in that office.
As NEHAWU in the province, we are not going to enter into a public spat or engagements on issues that are a subject of investigations by the Hawks. We have submitted all relevant and necessary evidence to the Hawks for a successful prosecution of all these individuals.
We are shocked by the manner in which the Premier, through his Office, has reacted to these developments. The statement they released recently shows that they are in panic mode. In this regard we call on them to be patient and allow the Hawks to do their job.
The matter is now with the Hawks and any response should be provided to the Hawks, and the Premier should save his energy to respond to the Hawks at the right time.
It is very interesting that the Premier or his officials have never in their media statement disputed issues of misrepresentation of qualification by Mr Maseko nor dispute allegations of fraud and corruption as put forward and reported to the Hawks.As NEHAWU in the province, we want to restate our confidence on the Hawks and we are going to cooperate with them until justice is served.
We remain a progressive trade union which an affiliate of COSATU, which is a member of the Tripartite Alliance. We will continue to aggressively pursue our struggle for the emancipation of the poor and ordinary masses of our people.
We vow to expose anyone regardless of their status, proximity to power or social standing in society as long as such people are impeding service delivery even if it means such person is a Premier or President.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank whistle-blowers who alerted us to various incidences of corruption, fraud and maladministration and want to make a clarion call to workers in general and members of NEHAWU in particular to expose acts of corruption, fraud and maladministration as they manifest in the public administration throughout the province.
In the same vain NEHAWU would like to call on all progressive formations and civil society to join hands in the fight against corruption, fraud and maladministration whenever it manifest in society.
The names of the revolutionaries of the struggles of the poor and working class such as Amilcar Cabral must never be used in vain and in defence of corruption, fraud and maladministration.
Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat Office
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