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The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) in Limpopo is extremely worried about the health and safety of its members at the Department of Public Works.
The Head of Department, Mr Seroka, has failed to comply with Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 which clearly states that every employer shall identify hazards, assess risks and have a written risk assessment, including any unusual or other risks. To comply with Section 19, employers are required to carry out risk assessments and to record these in the safety statement. A fire safety risk assessment should be conducted. As NEHAWU in Limpopo, we are disturbed by the irresponsible utterances made by Mr. Seroka who has threatened workers of implementing no work, no pay while he is not complying with the Health and Safety Act.
Since last week workers have been sitting under the shades outside the department due to the malfunction of the fire detection alarm system that has caused the anxiety amongst workers. Workers then sought refuge under the shades of the Jack Botes hall which is located opposite the premises of Department of Public Works
The branch leadership of NEHAWU lodged a complaint against the employer that the Fire Detection Certificate had lapsed (dated October 2019 to April 2020). All firefighting fittings like fire detection must be in good condition to enable the fire alarm system to wail or ring once it detects a smoke in the building.
The union takes this contravention of Health and Safety Act very serious because of the incident that took place in Gauteng Province, on 3rd September 2018 where a fire engulfed the Bank of Lisbon Building occupied by Department of Health in Gauteng. This resulted in three fire fighters losing their precious lives.
It has been established that immediately after the NEHAWU branch lodged a complaint of non-compliance the Company in the name of Umlilo Fire send an incompetent technician who is not registered with South African Qualification and Certification Committee Fire (SAQCC) which is the national body regulating the fire protection industry. The technician came the same day when this complaint was lodged and issued a fire detection certificate which is devoid of value because he did not even inspect the whole building to ensure that all fitted fire detectors and alarm system are working including noticing that the previous certificate has lapsed and fire detection devices were never serviced or maintained since April 2020.
The nature and extent of the fire detection and warning arrangements in the workplace will need to satisfy the requirements indicated by the employers risk assessment of which in the case of Public Works Mr Seroka has proven himself again that he is not only a fraudster but also an incompetent Head of Department who cannot even ensure that the lives of workers are safe in the event that fire develops in the building whilst he is paying Moolman Group an exorbitant rental of about R3.8 million a month to occupy the building.
In larger premises, particularly multi-storey premises like Department of Public Works Head Office in Polokwane, a form of automatic fire detection is necessary. In terms of law fire safety measures and equipment in the workplace must be kept in effective working order. This includes all fixtures and fittings such fire detection and alarm systems. Regular checks, periodic servicing and maintenance must be carried out, whatever the size of the workplace. Any defects should be put fixed as quickly as possible.
NEHAWU reiterates its call for the Premier of Limpopo to fire Mr D.T Seroka because he is a chief fraudster who looted taxpayers money amounting to R11500.00 and today it is revealed that he is an incompetent accounting officer who gladly pays Moolman Group an amount of R3.8 million without getting the value of the money of tax payers. We have a firm belief that Premier Stan Mathabatha is presented with an opportune moment to fire Mr Seroka and appoint competent person in Limpopo Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure.
Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat Office
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