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The HOD of the Northern Cape Health Department, Dr Dion Theys, must be fired with immediate effect following his criminal conviction and sentencing in the Specialised Commercial Crimes Court in Kimberley yesterday.
Theys was found guilty of contravening Section 86(1) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), having concluded three lease agreements with JP Hugo Trading amounting to more than R13 million, without following proper PFMA prescripts and procurement processes.
Theys was sentenced to a fine of R150 000- or three-years imprisonment, of which R100 000 or two years imprisonment is suspended for five years, on condition that the accused is not found guilty of the same offence during the time of suspension.
Over the past few years, Premier Zamani Saul has downplayed the seriousness of PFMA violations when questioned by the Democratic Alliance (DA) on numerous occasions about his stance of this matter. Aside from failing to ensure that Theys was at the very least subjected to internal disciplinary action, he also refused to suspend another senior official in his office, who also faced criminal charges in respect of the contravention of the PFMA.
Violations of the PFMA are not minor and translate into fraud and corruption of public money that is intended for service delivery, not the pockets of connected cadres.
Saul clearly erred in his own judgment by appointing Theys as HOD after another criminal charge relating to PPE procurement irregularities was provisionally withdrawn against him. The Premier knew full-well that Theys has a dubious track record hanging over his head regarding financial irregularities, yet he proceeded to put him in a position of power.
The court is clearly sending a strong message to the public that fraud and corruption will not be tolerated. Premier Zamani Saul must now also send a strong message to all government officials in the Northern Cape, reinforcing this sentiment by ensuring that Theys is removed from provincial government for his actions.
Stealing from the public purse must be punished, not rewarded.
Issued by Harold McGluwa MPL - DA Northern Cape Provincial Leader
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