- Local Government Laws Amendment Bill [B 28D-2007]0.41 MB
To amend the—
- Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998, so as to insert a definition; and to provide for determinations of municipal boundaries to take effect on the commencement of the following municipal financial year;
- Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998, so as to insert a definition; to provide for consequential amendments pertaining to interventions in municipalities; to provide for amendments to provisions relating to ward committees; and to provide for authorisations and adjustments of powers and functions to take effect on the commencement of the following municipal financial year;
- Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, so as to substitute a definition; to provide that the term of employment of a municipal manager may not exceed a maximum of five years; to align certain delegations with the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003; to regulate the participation of municipal staff members in national, provincial and local elections; to amend the Minister’s regulatory powers; to provide for a municipality to provide an owner with copies of accounts sent to the occupier of such property; to provide for a correction in the Afrikaans text of section 106; to refine the process to investigate maladministration and related matters; to provide for the exemption of municipalities from provisions of the said Act, and to amend the Code of Conduct for Councillors and Municipal Staff in order to align it with the Municipal Finance Management Act; and
- Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004, so as to substitute certain definitions; to allow quantification in terms of cost of relief measures to be dealt with through the municipal budget; to allow for municipalities not to value public service infrastructure if there is no intention to levy rates; to correct certain citations; and to allow for the curbing of rates revenue; to rationalise local government laws that have become obsolete as a result of local government legislation that was enacted since 1994; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
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