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To make roads safer for transport users and commuters, the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA) has implemented the Kya Sand Super Stop Holding Facility.
Kya Sands, not far from Cosmo City, is a fast-growing industrial hub in Region A and home to hundreds of diverse businesses. A super stop facility in essence is a facility constructed to formalise an existing informal ranking site.
The previous informal facility did not meet the critical needs of commuters as universal access and other safety requirements of a public transport facility.
The location, on Bernie Street and River Road in Kya Sands, is an area that consists of high pedestrian and taxi traffic movement. The focus of the development is to provide safe and sufficient taxi stops / park-and-ride facilities for public transport users.
The facility will also reduce transit times getting to and from places of employment, provide a much-needed social facility and encourage small business growth in this facility.
The desired benefits of the project are to:
- Produce a safe, attractive, liveable environment.
- To facilitate visibility and improved public environment in the Kya Sands Public Environment Precinct.
- Promote improved social cohesion; and
- Encourage further investment and upgrading in the area.
The urban design concept of the super-stop transport facility responded to the needs of taxi operators, commuters and small businesses that use the space. These features included.
- Loading and holding bays
- Universal access
- Steel canopy to protect against weather conditions
- Landscaping
- Sidewalks and adequate street lighting
“The JDA is an area-based development agency of the City and continues to focus on strategic economic nodes and corridors, such as the inner city and transit-orientated development corridors,” said JDA CEO Mokgema Mongane.
“We hope that the super stop will go a long way in improving commuter safety through public transport and non-motorised transport, alleviate traffic congestion in the area and improve the general amenity of the area,” he said.
The project has created employment opportunities for the community, with a total of seven local SMMEs and 24 local labourers working in the project.
Issued by the City of Johannesburg
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