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President Jacob Zuma will bestow the National Orders on local citizens and eminent foreign nationals on 4 September 2015, following the postponement of the ceremony earlier this year.
President Zuma postponed the National Orders Ceremony which was scheduled to take place on Freedom Day, 27 April 2015 as the country was mourning the deaths of seven people that were killed during violent attacks on foreign nationals.
National Orders are the highest awards that the country bestows on its citizens and eminent foreign nationals who have contributed towards the advancement of democracy and who have made a significant impact on improving the lives of South Africans in various ways.
The ceremony enables government to recognise the contributions made by individuals towards building a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa as envisaged in the Constitution.
President Zuma will bestow to deserving recipients the Order of Mendi for Bravery, the Order of Ikhamanga, the Order of the Baobab, the Order of Luthuli, and the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo.
The Order of Mendi for Bravery recognises South African citizens who have performed acts of bravery.
The order will be bestowed in Bronze on:
Jetro Ndlovu: For his outstanding contribution to the fight for freedom, equality and democracy in South Africa.
The Order will be bestowed in Silver on:
Joe Morolong (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the fight for liberation in South Africa. He endured tremendous personal persecution for the ideal of a democratic and liberated society.
Caleb Motshabi (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to fight for the liberation of the people of South Africa. He facilitated the creation of safe passage for many young people who went into exile to fight for freedom.
Eric Mtshali: For his excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid. In spite of great risks, he was never deterred in his quest for true freedom and social justice.
The Order will be bestowed in Gold on:
Mpumelelo Washington Bongco (Posthumous): For his exceptional contribution to the pursuit of equality and universal suffrage in South Africa. He never relented and paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and democracy.
The Order of Ikhamanga recognises South African citizens who have excelled in the fields of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport.
The Order will be bestowed in Bronze on:
Themba Patrick Magaisa: For his outstanding contribution to the development of indigenous literature in South Africa. His literary work has enriched the primary and secondary education curricula in our country.
Mbulaeni Mulaudzi (Posthumous): For his outstanding achievements as a track athlete and for his contribution to the advancement of athletics in South Africa.
The Order will be bestowed in Silver on:
Darius Mfana Dhlomo: For his excellent talent in various professional sporting codes. His tenacity, sheer talent and triumph in sport inspired generations of aspiring footballers and boxers who saw in him the epitome of excellence.
Winnie Mahlangu: For her excellent contribution to the field of broadcasting and for keeping the listenership of the largest radio station in the country informed and entertained.
Ramakgobotla John Mekoa: For his excellent contribution to the development of jazz music in South Africa. He established a jazz music centre that contributed to the growth of the careers of many South African jazz musicians.
Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the development of African literature and the upliftment of African languages on the global stage.
The Order of the Baobab recognises South African citizens who have contributed to community service, business and economy, science, medicine and technological innovation.
The Orderwill be bestowed in Bronze on:
Yvonne Mokgoro: For her outstanding contribution to the field of Law and the administration of justice in a democratic South Africa.
The Order will be bestowed in Silver on:
Douglas John Anderson: For his excellent contribution to the upliftment of the lives of children and people with disabilities.
Mary Makobatjatji Malahlela (Posthumous): For her excellent contribution to the provision of medical services to oppressed South Africans during apartheid. She was one of the first African women to qualify as a medical doctor in South Africa.
Andrew Ross: For his excellent contribution to the training of young rural medics. His work has provided hope to communities that utilise rural hospitals.
Otto Stehlik: For his excellent contribution to economic and social development in South Africa. His business skills in the hospitality industry have benefitted South Africa significantly.
The Order will be bestowed Gold on:
James David Lewis-Williams: For his exceptional and distinguished contribution to the field of archaeology. His research on the rock art of the ancient people of Southern Africa has contributed invaluable knowledge about their lives and times.
The Order of Luthuli recognises South African citizens who have contributed to the struggle for democracy, nation-building, building democracy and human rights, justice and peace as well as for the resolution of conflict.
The Order will be bestowed in Bronze to:
Kay Moonsamy: For his outstanding contribution to the fight for democracy and freedom in South Africa. As a trade unionist he was among the leading figures who actively fought the apartheid system.
The Order will be bestowed in Silver to:
William Frankel: For his excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid. He played a significant role in raising funds for those detained by apartheid security forces and those charged under apartheid legislation.
Johnson Malcomess Mgabela (Posthumous): For his exceptional contribution to the fight against oppression. He understood that human beings are naturally equal, and that the subjugation of one race by another must be opposed at all costs.
Petros Nyawose (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid. He paid the ultimate price for his involvement in the liberation struggle in South Africa.
Jabulile Nyawose (Posthumous): For her excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid. She paid the ultimate price for her involvement in the liberation struggle in South Africa.
Mohammed Tikly: For his excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid. He groomed many young freedom fighters while he was director of the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) during the days of exile..
The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo recognises eminent foreign nationals for friendship shown to South Africa. It is therefore an Order of peace, cooperation and active expression of solidarity and support.
The order will be bestowed in Silver on:
Gareth Evans (Australia): For his excellent contribution to and support of the Anti-Apartheid Movement. His exceptional leadership influenced the Australian public to provide scholarships for underprivileged South African students at home and in exile.
Peter Hain (United Kingdom): For his excellent contribution to the fight against the injustices of apartheid and his unwavering support for the South African Liberation Movement.
Ambassador Vladimir Kazimirov (Russia): For his excellent contribution to the recording of the plight of the majority in Southern African countries, especially South Africa, during the period of minority rule. His work remains a testimony to the deep injustices during apartheid.
Gay McDougall (United States of America): For her excellent contribution to the fight against the injustices of apartheid. She mobilised policymakers in the United States in support of the struggle for freedom in South Africa and put to use her legal expertise for the defence of political prisoners in South Africa and Namibia
Lars Nordbo (Denmark): For his excellent contribution to the struggle for liberation and for his architectural skills that saw him build dormitory blocks in Mazimbu, Tanzania, which housed South African freedom fighters in exile. These blocks were later converted into a Tanzanian university.
Ambassador Andrey Urnov (Russia): For his excellent contribution to the fight for the liberation of the people of South Africa.
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Lim Kok Wing (Malaysia): For his excellent and commendable contribution to the fight against apartheid and to education internationally, with a special focus on Southern Africa.
The order will be bestowed in Gold on:
General Hashim Mbita (Tanzania) (Posthumous): For his exceptional and gallant support of African Liberation Movements and his tireless efforts in ensuring that the struggle for freedom throughout the African continent bore fruit.
Brian Mulroney (Canada): For his exceptional contribution to the liberation movement of South Africa. His steadfast support for the release of Nelson Mandela and for imposing sanctions on South Africa’s apartheid regime led to a free, democratic, non-sexist and non-racial South Africa.
The full details of the ceremony will be communicated in due course.
Issued by The Presidency
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