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Government Communications (GCIS) is pleased to announce the appointment of a community print advertising panel which will play a fundamental role in ensuring that small independent publishers benefit from government advertising.
The appointed media sales agencies are Community Newspaper Initiatives; Eastern Province Community Print Media; Milele Grassroots Media Pty Ltd; Mpumalanga Community Newspaper Co-operatives Limited; Capro Pty Ltd and Splendid Marketing and Communications.
Government acknowledges the critical role played by the media, and in particular community media, in creating an informed citizenry. The panel is a major step forward in transforming and diversifying governments media communications mix.
“The establishment of the panel is just one of the initiatives to fast-track the transformation of the media landscape and ensures that government messages reach all communities. Through the panel, GCIS will communicate with millions of South Africans on a daily basis to complement its existing media platforms, which include publications, a news media bureau, radio and television broadcasts, and community engagement through its extensive Izimbizo programme,” said Acting Director-General of the GCIS Donald Liphoko.
This panel compliments the direct purchasing of advertising space on 89 community radio stations with a daily reach of 6 553 000 listeners. To further enhance the support to small independent publishers, the department has also established a database of emerging publishers which are not represented by the community print agencies on the panel. GCIS will deal directly with these publishers to ensure that all publishers will benefit from government advertising.
Since establishing a media buying competence in government, GCIS has placed advertising to the value of R158 million in community media, providing an important revenue stream to the sector, making government by far its largest supporter and contributor. This initiative will see 168 publications and other emerging publishers across South Africa benefit from government advertising.
Over and above this, GCIS continues to uphold government’s commitment to pay suppliers within 30 days of receipt of proofs and invoices in its endeavour to ensure the viability of the businesses within the sector. Further to this GCIS continues to engage with the relevant stakeholders to ensure that all community platforms within this sector are registered on the Central Supplier Database.
Liphoko said, “Community media has the ability to inform public discourse which is imperative in strengthening our democracy and addressing the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality as identified in the National Development Plan. Through paid advertising government helps to support and sustain the community media model, which in turn creates jobs and opportunities for respective communities.”
The GCIS continues to strengthen government communication, which includes empowering community media, so that government’s policies and programmes reach all citizens. “The GCIS remains focussed on its mandate and is making great strides in coordinating and leading strategic government communication and the establishment of a panel of community print media is yet another critical milestone for the GCIS,” added Liphoko.
Issued by GCIS
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