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FEDUSA Commemorates 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence


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FEDUSA Commemorates 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

29th November 2023


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The Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) observes the commencement of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign under the theme: “Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in the Context of Climate Change.”

As we embark on this critical period of reflection and action, FEDUSA stands resolute in addressing the pressing issue of violence against women and girls, especially in the ominous shadow of climate change.


The distressing statistics continue to shed light on the grim reality faced by women and children in South Africa, with crime disproportionately affecting them. A 2020 United Nations study underscores the distressing connection between climate change and the heightened risk of violence against women.

This groundbreaking research reveals a stark reality where climate-induced factors force women and girls into undertaking more frequent and perilous journeys to secure essential resources such as food and water, increasing their vulnerability to sexual assault.


Furthermore, the study highlights instances of abuse of power, where individuals in authority exploit their positions, demanding sexual favours from women in exchange for necessities like food or shelter. Shockingly, families, grappling with food scarcity, are forced to marry off their young daughters.

These findings emphasise the urgent need for a carefully managed "Just Energy Transition." FEDUSA fervently advocates for a transition that prioritizes job creation and promotes equality, social justice, and poverty eradication. Such a transition can act as a powerful catalyst for transformative change, liberating women, and girls from the pervasive threat of violence.

FEDUSA Calls for Concerted Action:

  • Increased Investment: Direct more resources towards gender-responsive climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
  • Legal and Policy Reforms: Strengthen legal and policy frameworks to safeguard women and girls from violence.
  • Empowerment Initiatives: Empower women and girls through comprehensive education, skills development, and enhanced economic opportunities.
  • Community-Based Solutions: Support community-based initiatives that address the root causes of violence against women and girls.

FEDUSA also calls on government during these days of observance to review its stance on entrenching the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 190 as a collective bargaining matter. While we welcome the Code of good practice implemented to meet the requirements of the convention that South Africa has ratified, we deem it necessary for it to be allocated an equal platform in collective bargaining, as we have witnessed with other laws. The ILO Convention 190 is the first international law to establish the right of everyone to a world of work free from discrimination and violence, including gender-based violence and harassment. 

In unity, we can forge a world where the scourge of violence against women and girls is history.

FEDUSA urges stakeholders, policymakers, and communities to join hands in fostering lasting change and resilience in the face of these challenges.


Issued by FEDUSA


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